Last minute offers

We don’t have last minute offers for you at the moment, but keep an eye on ours
page and follow us on social media as we announce cool deals.

In the meantime, see our health programs.

🌟 A unique opportunity! 🌟

For all direct bookings, by phone at 512-371-309 or email to, we have prepared a special discount.
🏡 Lupine Hill Health Village is the perfect place for a relaxing stay in the nature.
Exceptional treatments, delicious meals, warming saunas.
🎉 Offer details:
Book your stay and benefit from a 20% discount on accommodation!
Reservations: direct by phone at 512-371-309 or by email at

This promotion applies to reservations from Sunday to Friday. It’s valid from December 5-20, 2024.

We cordially invite you to Lupine Hill Health Village – a place where relaxation gains a new dimension! 🌿✨